Four of my works are in this show curated by Mary Beyt and Brian Guidryfrom the Acadiana Center for the Arts:
“Lost and Found: Louisiana’s Landscape Revisited focuses on the use of the landscape as impetus and inspiration for artists. Landscape art has been admired throughout Louisiana’s history. In this exhibition, the landscape may be referenced or act as an impetus for creativity. However, a transformation of the bucolic occurs. This reinterpreted Landscape affords the viewer a unique experience of our beloved setting. The show attempts to expose the bounty of reinterpretations that are currently being explored in our state.
This show includes artists:
Philip Gould, Fonville Winons, Robert Polidori, Aubrey Edwards, Lee Deigaard, David Webber, Courtney Egan, David Sullivan, Jessica Bizer, Ralph Bourque, Alexander J. Drysdale, Reggie Rodrigue, Hannah Chalew, Thomas Deaton, Jonathan Ryan, Meghan Fleming, Brandon Ballengée, Rachel Jones, Kathy Reed and Steve Breaux, and Luis Cruz Azaceta”
through April 28, 2012, Acadiana Center for the Arts, Lafayette, LA